Independent Contractor Reporting Changes - Florida
On October 1st, Senate Bill 1532 now requires Florida Employers to report the hiring of independent contractors that will receive more than $600 in a year from you. This reporting will need to be the earlier of 20 days of the first payment to the contractor or, the date on which the employer and contractor entered into a contract.
The purpose of this is reportedly intended to increase reporting of income for the purposes of collecting child support payments. There is currently no indication that this reporting will be used for auditing whether an individual should be classified as an employee vs contractor but, it is our advisement to review your contractor classifications with your payroll provider or us.
To file online you can register at the following link:
To paper file you can send the pdf at the link below by mail to:
Florida New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 6500
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6500